Sunday, December 5, 2010


We did a lot of comparing and contrasting this week! The Venn diagram is becoming our best friend, and the students are getting better at comparing and contrasting each time we complete a Venn diagram! On Monday we read about ants. We compared ants to humans and then told the differences between them. We read our story "Honey Bees" and discussed the different jobs of the bees in the hive. There are worker bees, just like many of us work. There are soldier bees, just like there are soldiers in the military who protect our freedom, and there is a queen bee who leads her hive.

Bees make honey, so our class tasted honey on Friday, and it was yummy!!!

In math we learned about ordinal position (1st, 2nd, etc.), and played Ordinal I Spy. The class just loved that game! We are also continuing to count money.

Our unit of study this week and next focuses on air, land, and water. We have discussed oceans and continents, land formations, natural resources, and map skills. We are working in science and social studies books simultaneously! First graders get so excited about the text books. Too bad that excitement fades in a few years. ha!

So many of you have helped with moving items to the new classroom, have unpacked boxes, and have donated money or services to our new classroom, and I am very appreciative of your help! This has been a special year with very special children, and I know we are all excited to get moved into our beautiful new school to make more special memories!!! Thanks for all that you do!

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