Sunday, November 22, 2009


We have been having so much fun learning at school that I have been going home exhausted! That’s why I am a bit behind on our posts.

We have continued to read words with long vowels. We have visited for additional review. Perhaps you can visit with your child to play fun phonics games!

In grammar we have continued to learn about nouns. We have learned about special titles, such as Mr., Dr., Mrs., and Officer. We have also learned to capitalize days of the week, months, of the year, and holidays. You can see one of our activities to reinforce this skill in the pictures below. This was a quick check to make sure that the students were grasping the concept, and they did great.

We have read about dinosaurs. We discussed carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores. Hannah told us that, “Omnivores are animals who eat meat and plants, like humans do.” I also read aloud to the class Dinosaurs before Dark, the first Magic Treehouse book. These are great chapter books for first through third graders. The class even took an AR Quiz on the book!

We also read about forest life. We learned that bears eat grubs, and woodpeckers peck holes in trees to try to find bugs to eat.

In math we have been counting lots of money. Please practice this skill at home. We will continue to count money, but not as much as we have been over the past several weeks. Math skills are very developmental. Some first graders are just not ready to count money, but hopefully, but the end of the school year, they will be! Keep ADDING and SUBTRACTING with flash cards!

We loved learning about our bodies during our unit of study. We made q-tip skeletons to represent our bones. We also made My Body, My Buddy. We used everyday items to represent some of our body parts: an absorbent sponge for our brains, a heart, bubble wrap for our air-filled lungs, a scratchy sponge for our liver, a balloon for our expandable stomach, yarn for our winding intestines, sandpaper for our filtering kidneys, and a fishbowl for our bladder. We know many new facts about our bodies, including ways to take care of ourselves.

Sunday, November 1, 2009


In phonics we are beginning to learn about long vowels. This week we learned about long a with sneaky e (as in lake). We watched a video on about sneaky e and we played a long a game on the website. We also visited to review our long a spelling words. Our class loves technology, and we especially love our ActivBoard!!! J

We read an amusing story: The Farmer in the Hat. That cat sure did make for an interesting farmer! We discussed cause and effect and the characteristics of a play, such as rehearsals, lines, and roles.

In math we continued working with addition and subtraction. We can add ten to a number by using the number chart. We can count forwards and backwards by tens and forwards by fives. We are also beginning to count by even numbers. We are ready to begin counting money next week! It’s going to be a blast!!!

During our unit time, we had a lot of Spooky Fun. We read many spooky books. We completed Dem Bones math, and we made Haunted Hands. Some students brought in extra treats on Friday afternoon, and all of our students left school EXCITED about Halloween! I hope you had a great Halloween. We sure did! Check our family blog for pictures of Kennedy and Case in their costumes.


This week we learned all about digraphs th (as in thick) and sh (as in ship). We also studied the –all family.

At the Following Directions Center we had fun making fish for Max to enjoy. At the Vocabulary Center we used magnets to spell our story words. We solved Firehouse Rhymes at the Word Work Center, and we listened to good stories at the Listening Center.

We enjoyed music, art, and computer classes! These are wonderful additions to our classroom creative time.

All week long we learned about fire safety. We watched a fire safety video, learned and practiced the stop, drop, and roll method, made firefighters, and wrote about fire safety. Now we’re fire prepared. We even made edible firetrucks! A big thank you goes to the parents who donated items for the firetrucks and/or those parents who came to the classroom to help make the firetrucks!