Saturday, November 27, 2010


We had another amazing week at school—learning all sorts of new information and concepts!!!

We read Life in the Forest, and discussed how the forest is a community of plants and animals that depend on one another. We also discussed survival strategies of forest animals. First graders just love learning about animals! On Wednesday we Buddy Read our story. The students were spread all over the classroom, reading with their partner(s).

In grammar we reviewed plural nouns. For most plural nouns, you just add –s to the base word to make it mean more than one. We quickly talked about how you sometimes add –es to a noun to make it plural (such as dress). We’ll discuss that more later on. We also worked on putting words in ABC Order. I wrote words on the ActivBoard, and the students had to put them in ABC Order on their whiteboards. They loved it!!!
In math we’re still counting money and working on addition and subtraction. Remember, beginning Monday the timed facts quiz will count as a grade.

Our unit on Thanksgiving has been extremely interesting. It seems as though every year I learn something new about our early immigrants. This year I learned that Squanto was actually a slave at one time, but escaped and returned to America, just to find his whole village dead. The students were mesmerized by the fact that the Pilgrims didn’t have forks, but used knives and their hands to eat. After reading many books about the Pilgrims and Thanksgiving, we created a Venn Diagram to compare and contrast our lives today with the life of a Pilgrim. We wrapped up our unit by making the cutest edible turkey and a Harvest Blessing mix.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Please remember to attend Tuesday night’s GSES Sneak Peek!!! It begins at 6 pm. Visit the library to bid on baskets and to sign your child up for clubs. To get to our classroom, enter the main doors and walk straight to the library. At the library make a right. Go to the next intersections and make a left. We are the second classroom on the left. I can’t wait to see you and your children there!!!

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