Monday, November 1, 2010


This week was a blast! It was Red Ribbon Week, so the students and teachers participated in fun spirit days. The purpose of Red Ribbon Week is to teach students about the dangers of using illegal drugs and of using legal drugs illegally. In first grade terms, I explained that an illegal drug is something harmful that you put into your body. I told them that sometimes medicines are called drugs, but as long as we use them like the doctor tells us to, we will be fine. They seemed pretty content with that explanation and told me that they will never put harmful drugs into their bodies.

I love the innocence of a first grader’s mind. If only we could keep them innocent and sheltered forever. Unfortunately, that is not the world in which we live, but I pray for these children daily, and I will continue to do so for all of my days. I may not call each of their names in prayer (though some days I call a few), but I do ask that God keep them safe and help them to make good decisions. I pray that they will love long, prosperous lives. I pray that they will know the value of a dollar and will grow to be helpful citizens. I pray that they will find happiness, even if it is hard work. I pray that they will be people of their word and hard workers. I pray that they will be responsible, trustworthy, and productive. I pray that they will multiply their talents. Most of all, I pray that I can touch their lives in a way that reaches far beyond the four walls of our first grade classroom. I pray that one day I will pass them in the mall and they will tell me of their wonderful accomplishments, and that just maybe they remember something that I taught them. Their impact leaves a lasting impression on my heart, and I can only hope and pray to have just a fraction of that impact on their hearts and lives. I count being a teacher as one of God’s greatest blessings of my life! I am so fortunate to teach and to learn from your darlings!

In other news, we learned about proper nouns this week. A proper name names a particular person, place, animal, or thing, and must begin with a capital letter. At our Word Work Center we went on a noun search through magazines. That was a fun mess!

We continued to practice our addition and subtraction strategies in math.

During our unit time we had some Spooky Fun. We did spooky math activities (‘Dem Bones), made spooky BINGO cards, and read lots of spooky books. Friday was a particularly interesting day with all of the fun crazy hair! The class was treated to goodies form a few classmates and Mrs. Clark. We also made an edible witch’s hand, thanks to the parents who sent the necessary ingredients.

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