Monday, September 5, 2011


Our class enjoyed reading Pig in a Wig this week!  At the Following Directions center, each student made a pig with a cute yarn wig!  On Friday we made an edible pig cookie that was so yummy!  There were several students absent, but we have a pig cookie all ready for them on Tuesday!  Thank you all so much for sending the items we needed to make our cookies!!!

In grammar we learned about the naming part of a sentence and practiced writing our own sentences.  Then we circled the naming part of our sentences.

In math we have continued to practice our addition skills.  Students will bring home a math worksheet almost every night.  However, the sheet should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete.  Please be sure that your child returns the math homework the next school day.  Our math activities are hands on and so much fun!  I hope your children are telling you all about how we do math in class!

We finished learning our nursery rhymes.  We incorporated reading, phonics, grammar, math, and social studies into this unit, and it was a blast!  We will begin studying farm life next week.

In computer lab this week we visited  I strongly urge you to let your child visit this website at home.  There are fun phonics activities that are beneficial for beginning readers!

And, in case you are wondering how students know which items to take home each day, here is a picture to help. =)  At the end of each day, I put magnets on the board telling students what to stack on their desk.  Then I read each item, and they say, "Check!' if they have it out.  Then they pack and put their chairs up.  

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