We finally had a full week of school--almost. There was the uneventful two and a half hour delay. At least we got a little extra sleep.
This week we celebrated the 100th Day of School!!! Can you believe your children have been 1st graders for 100 days? It seems as though the school year is just slipping by.
We began the 100th day with a special breakfast of 100 pieces of cereal. Then we took a class picture with our really amazing hats that had 100 items on them. We completed a graph telling what we wish we had 100 of, and we sang a song about the 100th Day of School. Later in the day we made little words from 'one hundred days.' We also counted how many times we could write our name in 100 seconds, and we exhausted ourselves by doing jumping jacks for 100 seconds!
I'm looking forward to our remaining 80 days!