Sunday, January 31, 2010


This week we loved celebrating the 100th Day of School. We began the day by eating 100 pieces of cereal for breakfast. We found words inside the phrase ‘one hundred days,’ we read poems about the 100th day, and we wore awesome hats that we decorated with 100 items. I wish we had more time that day because we did not even get to do all of the fun activities that were planned. Oh, well. We still had fun! Now we’ve been in school 103 days! That means we only have 77 school days to go. It doesn’t sound like a lot when phrased that way, does it?

In reading and science we are learning about life cycles. We read about the similarities and differences between toads and frogs. Ask your child if (s)he can name a few. We have been taking TONS of AR quizzes. I am so proud of all of the students who met and exceeded their January AR goal! All of the students have new goals beginning Monday.

Please keep practicing the r-controlled vowel sounds at home. While most of the class has retained this information, there are still a few students who need extra reinforcement.

In math we have learned to tell time and count money. You can also help your child practice those skills at home. Also, whenever you encounter a three or four digit number, ask your child to try to read that number. We have only made it to three digit numbers so far, but there’s nothing wrong with going ahead and exposing our children to even more!

We have been super busy for the last few weeks, preparing for Parade of Readers. If you’re not familiar with the program, you soon will be. It is the biggest elementary program I have ever witnessed! Ms. Gilbert and I are the teacher chairs this year, so of course, I am super excited about PoR!!! All of 1st grade has been practicing for our big PTA program on Tuesday night at 6 pm and for our even bigger Kick-Off Rally Friday morning at 8:30 am. I hope to see all of you there!!! ReADiNG RocKs!!!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


We had another fun, learning-filled week at school. We are trying to get back into the swing of school work after being off for two weeks, just to be followed by another day and a half out for weather reasons. J

In phonics this week we have been reading words that end in nk and ng, such as thank, link, sunk, rang, and swing. We also learned about compound words, like doghouse and bedtime. When we read compound words we always try to find the small words first. We are also still working on the vowel sounds of y (as in fly and baby). At our word work center this week we read words that ended in y and sorted them by the sound that y made in them.

We are continuing to study nouns and verbs in grammar. Before Christmas break we went on a noun search. We looked through magazines for pictures of persons, places, things, and animals. We then cut out those pictures and glued them onto a paper with those headings. This week we added –s to verbs when appropriate, like in the following sentence. The bird feeds the baby. We also learned about synonyms, or words that have almost the same meaning. We looked in our Reading Street book to this week’s story and found synonyms in the story for words that I called out to the class. See the example below.

We continue to analyze stories so that we can better comprehend them. We look for connections between the story and ourselves. Also, we look for the characters, setting, and plot. We also look for the main idea of a story and for the beginning, middle, and ending, like we did in the example below for a read aloud story this week. Try asking your child about story elements after completing a story.

In math we are still adding and subtracting, but we are also learning to tell time!!! Please work on this at home with your child. By now students should know the difference between a digital and an analog clock, as well as the difference between the two hands. We have been telling time to the hour and half hour (on analog clocks). We will have a test on telling time at the end of next week.

Our unit of study this week and next week revolves around matter. We are learning about the states of matter: solid, liquid, and gas. Be looking for States of Matter homework coming home on Tuesday. I have some fun activities planned for the upcoming week.

Thank you for all of your support. I am immensely blessed by you all!

Monday, January 11, 2010

Happy New Year

Today was the 90th day of school, so we have made it halfway through first grade! I can not believe how much my sweet students have progressed already. I look forward to continued academic, emotional, and physical growth! We have a lot of fun upcoming activities, especially Parade of Readers!!!!